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Day after tomorrow

A theatrical audio walk through a city that doesn't even exist


By and with: Katharina Böbel, Marten Flegel, Manuel Melzer, Jasmina Rezig
Documentation: Jana Mila Lippitz Graphics: Sandra Sancelean

A production by DIE SOCIALE FIKTION in collaboration with Jasmina Rezig and Katharina Böbel. Coproduction with the Cammerspiele Leipzig eV, in cooperation with the Bürgererverein Messemagistrale eV

Funded by the cultural office of the city of Leipzig. The production was made possible by a Denkzeit grant from the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony.


Cammerspiele Leipzig eV / Citizens Association Messemagistrale

With the audio walk ABOUT TOMORROW, THE SOCIAL FICTION embarks on an exploration tour of the fallow land at the Bayerischer Bahnhof in Leipzig. It will soon be gone: the construction of a new, small town that has only existed as a model until now will begin here shortly. Does this create a lively neighborhood for everyone or an exclusive residential area that only a few can afford? Will the large-scale construction project bring some relaxation to the Leipzig housing market? Where do the dogs go when the open space no longer exists?

ABOUT MORGEN stages the fallow land as a firing dream landscape between no-more and not-yet: Equipped with headphones, the audience goes on an imaginary tour of a future city in small groups. It follows in the footsteps of a ghostly figure, whose trolley case rumbles over the uneven floor: With a coffee mug in hand, she wanders through the wasteland and looks as if she has fallen out of an architectural model. On the walk through the invisible new district, she meets voices that tell of the past and future of the place.

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