anna froelicher (*1989, lucerne, Switzerland)
has a background in cultural studies (university of hildesheim) and transdiciplinarity (zurich art school). she works in the fields of theatre, music and writing. besides her work with die soziale fiktion, she writes for swiss music mag zweikommasieben and creates lecture performances and dj sets under her moniker tsjmar, latest at exil club zuerich, academy of music and dance cologne and suedpol culture centre lucerne. her basic idea is collaboration, a bite of humor and the play with imagination to tumble-weed through norm zone. For money and the feeling of doing something together she is also a lover of repetetive manual work, such as working as a packer and harvest helper near zurich.
Collaboration staging Other Pieces:
The hurts of mankind
Play development in collaboration with Anta Helena Recke and Maxi Menja Lehmann
Writing writing
Interview with DJ, producer and sound artist Asma Maroof
Track Down Fiction - Drexciyans Among Us!
Report from Render Ghost Town